Hi my name is Zahi and this is my public diary. I go by both boy and girl pronouns and yeah so like do whatever you want with this information on this website cuz I genuinely don't care, you can add a reply it's whatever. Just don't involve me into it cuz I'm just the writer so if u wanna go for anyone that I mentioned you can do it (not the loved ones tho) I'm not gonna add a trigger warning for anything cuz it's a fuckin diary ofc ur gonna see some triggering shit 💀 I might update this daily if I don't forget abt it

Diary stuff down here :3

★ :: Random thought :: ★

I AM SO FUCKINNNGGGGG BOREDDD TODAYYYHHHHHHHBHNHNHNH at least Quinn's mama wasn't on my dick today I genuinely don't know what's her problem, I'm actually fucking confused on what I did was “harassment” 💀💀 it's actually so fucking funny tho I cannot take her seriously. I DON'T EVEN THINK IT'S QUINN'S FUCKING MOM DAWG I THINK IT'S LIKE RASIA WITH A VOICE CHANGER “wHy Do you think it's always rasia?!!?!!? 🥺🥺🥺” CUZ IT IS. AND NATALIE TOO DAWG LIKE THEY REALLY FR WANT A KID TO CUT THEMSELVES. But fr I'll give them what they want <3333 SPEAKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE WANT EVER SINCE QUINNS MAMA STARTED ATTACKING ME I GET ZERO MESSAGE FROM QUINN NOT EVEN A FUCKING UNBLOCK?? like u fr WANT me to cut myself atp 💀💀 you genuinely want this cus if you didn't you first of all wouldn't treat me that way and second wouldn't block me Like yk what happens??? 😭 it genuinely dosent make sense cuz why would she block me and say she dosent hate me?? She's just mad I am calling her out for being racist... Ima make a tiktok about it too that way it can get more attention 🤭 since quinns mom wants to be over dramatic I will be too it's just fair like dat!! Also idk why rasia is gonna replace me with all these people.. ESPECIALLY LEMON I FUCKING HATE LEMON. BLOCKING ME FOR NOTHING THEN QUINN GASLIGHTS ME SAYING SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHY. Fucking xeli too being like “her self harm isn't a big deal.” I'd say something about ur trauma but you wouldn't like it, then everyones gonna be on ur side 💀  ya bc my problems don't matter right?? Just admit u see it that way ofc my well being dosent matter to you cuz u wanted to get rid of me like ur trying to hurt me ON PURPOSE. But whatever my friend group wants ill do!! If Natalie wants me to cut myself ill do it, if they tell me my race is undeveloped I believe them, if I get rape threats then ig I should get raped!!! Whatever you want ill do, anything to make you like me

4/26/24 • 11:15 PM - 12:35 AM

5/06/24 • 1:27 AM - 12:43 AM

I genuinely don't understand Quinns deal, I literally sat in a pool of my own blood for her and I'm still not good enough?? That's not fair you like my abuser more than me too. Just because you knew her longer??? Quinn just thinks that she's better than me because I'm vulnerable and easy to manipulate, saying that “I can bully her and she wouldn't notice”?? And you wonder why I cut myself for you you don't care at all when I do either. You just don't care when Natalie abused me cuz you know if you where in my position you wouldn't allow that to happen to you, but now that you aren't you just watch from afar and talk shit. “you should've told me how you felt!!!” how do you think I feel about being harassed? Like genuinely you don't make sense... You just think your wayyy better than me because your white and your pretty and have privilege and you don't care about how your actions have an affect on others so you accuse little kids of sexual harassment like a fucking pedo creep u are. You say you want friends around your age??? Block xeli then. But she's of course an exception bc she's white. Nat is an exception bc she's Mexican and not Dominican saying that Dominicans are “underdeveloped” but sure if that's what you think then I agree, I am an underdeveloped negrito like your friends say. I'll keep cutting 4 u xoxoxo